Plant Kingdom Classification

Made by: Blake Smith.


Plant Kingdom
Classes of plants for each seed-producing Phyla
Tabular Dichotomous Key
Photosynthesis and Respiration

Plant Classification

Plant classification is the placing of known plants into groups or categories to show some relationship.

What makes the plant kingdom different to others? The most characteristic feature of plants is that they can synthesize their own food from atmospheric carbon dioxide using energy derived from sunlight (photosynthesis).

Classification of the Plant Kingdom uses a hierarchial system, based on phyiscal features. It goes from kingdom (animal or plant), to phylum (broad classes like flowering plants or mosses), class, order, family, genus, and finally to species. This is the final stage, where you find things like the particular plant or animal you are looking for, such as: Allegheny Mountain buttercup - Ranunculus allegheniensis; Alpine Avens - Geum montanum; or Baby rose - Rosa multiflora.



It's very hard for everyone to agree on how to classify all the plants in the world, so scientist have agreed on an international standard called the ICN. This means that everyone use the same system to classify plants.

Non Seed-producing Phyla -- some examples

Main classes of seed-producing phyla (Gymnosperms)

Seed-producing Phyla (gymnosperms) -- some examples